
Saturday, 12 November 2016

What a Nerve!

The last couple of weeks have been painful.   Initially I thought I had lost a filling but it turned out that I had cracked a tooth almost down to the pulp.   To cut a long story short, it was excruciatingly painful, not so much the tooth but all along the nerve pathways on that side of my jaw and face.

I have been miserable company, hardly able to get beyond the pain.    Now that the tooth has been soothed and settled, at least for the time being, I am human again.

It was unfortunate that the Bonfire Night celebrations fell during this time.    I managed to help out with the catering, organisation and the clearing up but I fear that I was poor company and definitely lacked lustre.    I was in pain and, at times, had to simply walk off into darkness to clutch my jaw and go 'ouch, ouch, ouch'... or something similar!

It was a brilliant evening, a little rough around the edges,  but for a first time event with unknown numbers to be catered and cared for, I think our Village Hall Committee did pretty well.

Photographs would have been nice - alas! I was so caught up with simply doing and being (as well as the pain) that I forgot to take my camera.     The bonfire and guy were excellent, the fireworks and sparklers delighted, and the food warmed hands.

Sixty or more people attended and the general consensus was that they would love to see it become an annual event.   So would we.     It was simple, safe and fun.    No doubt some attended and then made their way to the pub, some went home quite happily to watch 'Strictly' and the rest gathered some wine and the leftovers and happily chatted on until the early hours of the morning.

The next event is the Christmas Bazaar and Mince Pie Tasting.    

Again, this is one of those events which could work well, or may be a damp squib.    I have tried to ignite some competitive spirit among the locals, but sometimes I wonder whether it is worth the effort.   I hope my usual mojo will return, but right now I find it an effort.

Threaded in an around the misery and woe I have also been on a trip to Leeds, with Poppy and Miles.  Miles had some matters to attend, so Poppy and I hit the shops.   I am truly not a city girl, but I did my best.   Poppy took great care of this country mouse and made sure that my bag was firmly closed and that I didn't get lost.    She is great fun and marvellous company.

We refueled with some Vietnamese street food -much more delicious than it looks.

Then we paid a visit to Hell, otherwise known as Ikea.   I have never been inside one of their shops before and I hope never to return.    It took a week to find the exit.

On the home front, I have made two huge Christmas cakes.   The fruit was soaked in brandy for three days before baking and the cakes will be gently anointed each week.     One of the cakes is for Miles and Poppy.    I am going to give them a 'naked' cake so that Poppy can have the fun of icing/decorating the cake however she likes.     We usually just have marzipan on ours as we don't like icing.

Other than that, life chugs along pretty much as normal.    I am miles behind with blog reading, commenting, book club reading.    

Today is a new day.  


  1. OOOHHH poor you! I ve been there and know the pain! glad the event went well though!
    Enjoy the rest of November!

    1. Thanks, Christine! Difficult to believe that we are almost halfway through already, although the weather certainly feels Novemberish.

  2. Ouch I symathise, I had a abscess under one a few years ago now and that sent me mad till I told the dentist to remove it. I'd do the same with a that cracked tooth. Hope your getting over it now.

    1. Thanks, Bill. I was almost at that point, but then I decided to wait two more days for the treatment to work - and it did (fingers crossed). I do know that if it all kicks off again I won't be prepared to endure the same pain!

  3. Sorry to hear of your pain. Brave of you to do guy Fawkes in that state. Glad all went well. Hope you have the courage for xmas

    1. Hello Linda, I hope to fully enjoy the event next year! Don't you worry, I love Christmas and all the little twiddly bits which make everything magical. This year we have Poppy over here, so she will experience an English Christmas for the first time. I feel inspired to make an extra effort.

  4. I loved the Bonfire Night! It was brilliant and you managed not hide your pain well. Thanks so much for organising!

    1. Hi Dom, I'm glad you enjoyed it, I know my family and their friends certainly did. It was a lovely location and great to have access to the kitchen in the barn. Phil and his wife are happy to host annually, which is wonderful! ps I know you are a busy man, but don't forget your 12 mince pies!xx

  5. Hey you! Hope you are well. Happy New Year!

    1. Happy New Year, Sol!

      The build-up to Christmas was going wonderfully well (apart from the lost voice, which some enjoyed to the max!). Christmas Day morning I got up early, did a couple of hours prep for a busy day and then realised that there was no way I could continue, I had to go to bed. I spent four days in bed, sshivering and shaking. Flu!

      Annoyingly, I still don't feel great. It will pass, some days are better than others.

      Meanwhile, the sofa, the dog and I have become good friends. The advantage of snoozing with Toby Too tucked in beside me is that I can blame the snores on him.


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.