
Tuesday 25 June 2024

Drying Octopuses on my Washing Line

 I was removing the washing from my line and thought of you Linda, aka local-kiwi-alien.   Who would have thought that I, too, would have to dry octopuses on my washing line.  All thanks to young puppy Winston, of course.   He is particularly fond of the green one, it gets dragged all around the garden with him.  Those tentacles also come in handy for a game of tug-of-war.

I indulge him.  He has been a poorly boy.  The last week has been something of a nightmare, for him and for me.  Winston developed cystitis, and needed, or felt that he needed, to be let outside every couple of minutes.  I won't go into the details.

A couple of visits to the vets, two injections and a daily dose of anti-inflammatory and painkillers and he is now feeling much better.  The only amusing part of it was being asked to collect a sample of his urine, not easy when all that was coming out was dribbles!   I managed to lull him to sleep and by some miracle I was able to keep him asleep for over an hour, by which time he was more than ready to dash outside.

This morning he is so much brighter, simply weeing for Lincolnshire, rather than for England.  He is calmer, so am I, now that we are not having to dash outside quite so often.  His appetite has returned and he is back to being able to play and enjoy all those puppy games again.

I  have not had time to read blogs, so apologies.  My whole focus has been on this little chap.  Even old Sparky was concerned about him and took time out of her busy schedule (mouse/rabbit hunting) to spend time with him.  Yesterday I found Winston fast asleep in the porch with Sparky sitting on the bench just above, watching over him with a benevolent eye.  


  1. Winston couldn't get a better guard than Sparky! I feel privileged that she stayed around when I visited you.

    1. She is a wise old cat, very good at reading people (and puppies).

  2. Hope gorgeous Winston is on the mend. Our lab hates this hot weather, we're not far away in Notts, so I expect you're having the good weather too.

    1. We have had some wonderful weather but because we are fairly near the coast we often have a welcome, cooling breeze when the tide turns. Winston loves to cool off by taking a paddle in an old baby bath which I have in the garden for him, typical water baby.

  3. My sympathies, our dog Griff has been unwell for the last few days, might hav ebeen somthing he ate but he was sick, it's bad enough watching the poor fellow trying to poo but he is 13 years old. He perked up today and did eat. He wass taken to thevets this morning and they could find nothing wrong, still cost 80 quid thoough for an injection and some past for his system

    1. Poor Griff, and poor you. I hope things are improving for the old boy. I know what you mean about the bills though, our vet used to be no frills and fairly reasonable. He retired and the new one has bigger premises, more staff, fancier this, that, and the other, and the bills have greatly increased to cover it all. Get well soon, Griff.

  4. LOL I had to read and comment on this straight away. I much prefer your octopuses! Bright and cheery and not at all stinky. Glad to read that dog and cat are bonding.

    1. It made me smile as I pegged them out, Linda. Only stinky after Winston has dragged them around through all manner of unspeakable things!

  5. Sorry to hear Winston has been unwell.Getting urine samples is a game not to be played too frequently. One of our dogs was on short (no) rations one day recently after her upset stomach had me up at 1:30, then 3:30, clearing up after her, poor girl. Back to full rations now, which is always pleasing for a Labrador.

    1. Denying a Labrador food - tricky! Good to hear that she is well again. We are back to puppy training and fun. He is a really delightful little chap, full of curiosity and very knowledgeable about gardening, his latest trick is to pull back the edges of the lawn, letting us know where they should have been trimmed. Just as well he only has access to one area, he creates enough mayhem in there. It may be some time before he is allowed through to Owl Wood.

  6. I'm sorry that the dog got cystitis and went through all this trouble!
    I hope it's better now!
    Your wash is very beautiful and colorful!!

    1. Hello Katerina, He is much better now, thank you. He is back to being a happy puppy again, which makes me happy, too!

  7. Poor baby! And poor you as that’s a worry and extra work. Duke had his second vaccine at the vets this morning and is heading to 10kilo- no wonder I find it hard to hold him when he’s wriggling! They are not little pups for too long are they x Like your darling Winston , Duke has made life very busy! Full of joy though, he’s a very happy content little dog x ps he also has a purple octopus toy! Danette

    1. Hello Danette, Duke sounds a delightful addition to your household. Now that Winston is back to normal health he is much calmer, thank goodness. It was a nightmare for him, and for me. Order is restored and we can go back to enjoying his puppyhood. He has had half an hour of fun and games and has just taken himself off to his crate for a snooze - the snoring gives him away! The old cat, Sparky, continues to train him, I should try to capture some of that with my phone. She is amazing.


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.