
Saturday 29 June 2024

Don't Forget to Wash Behind Your Ears

 When a young puppy gets a little too frisky, or too big for his boots, there is only one thing to be done.  Calm him down by flinging yourself on the ground and have a jolly good wash. 

This was the lesson Sparky chose to teach Winston this morning.

He couldn't believe his eyes.  He was stopped in his tracks and simply stood and watched her, until she decided that she was clean enough and he learned that cats do what cats want, when they want, and puppies count for nothing.

Millie decided that she preferred to have the fence between her and the puppy, but she had a wash too.

This old fencing was hastily thrown up to help contain Winston in a manageable area once we found out just how enthusiastic he is about digging, eating anything green, muddy, or dead and decomposing.  I had to put the bricks down under the gate when I caught him shimmying underneath, just as he had seen the ginger cat do - Sparky is so slender that she simply slips through the gaps...Millie is a little more pear-shaped.

The year is rumbling on while I spend all my time with the cats and the puppy.  The village show is looming, the schedule was popped into the letterbox this week.   Eeeek!   I doubt that I will be entering many classes this year.

I noticed that the blackcurrants are large and almost ripe, so I may make some blackcurrant curd, scones and a Victoria Sponge Cake.   Perhaps a loaf of bread, we will see.

As to the vegetable categories - the signs are not good in the vegetable garden.  Nothing seems to be doing well.  I guess some years are like that and little Winston has definitely diverted our attention away from our normal routines.

He is worth every moment.  
He is the most adorable and cheeky little chap.  
He would be perfect, if I could just find a way to stop him trying to eat everything in the garden.  🐶👮


  1. Winston has yet to learn that the cats will wash behind his ears, given half a chance.

    1. Sparky is more than up for that challenge, jabblog!

  2. Pity the cats can't teach him Garden Etiquette regarding eating strange things!

    I'm not entering much in the Produce show here this year either. Maybe tomatoes and courgettes. Cake making has got a bit expensive now and some of the classes are things I don't like.

    1. He adores tasting anything in the garden, Sue. Digging up the lawn and eating the soil is a favourite at the moment. I love keeping the tradition of the village show going, so I will make some sort of effort, Sue. I would be delighted if I had tomatoes and courgettes ripe and ready to go but it doesn't look hopeful.

  3. I enjoyed every word you have written. How adorable Winston is! Such a big lovable puppy! Oh the green in your header picture is so lush and green, and watered looking...while plants here are dying in the drought. Hopefully tomorrow will bring some rain. Love your fence and the cats...all fences are wonderful!

    1. Hello Henny Penny, he really is adorable and full of mischief. He has some very nice dog toys but prefers to play with a length of old rope, a plastic plant pot and an old tea towel which he stole from the hook! Cardboard boxes and crumpled paper also make him happy - not so much different to young children, I guess!

  4. Hasn't he grown. Puppies can be such a lovely time waster.

    1. I spend a lot of hours in his company, Susan. Far too many! Naughty me.

  5. When I had a dog I had to put a fence around the vegetable garden as Fido used to help himself to carrots and radishes. Winston sounds very similar!

    1. He has finally had his first few walks around Owl Wood, Mary. I make a point of clipping his lead on and off we set on a big adventure. He was a bit worried at first but now he loves it. I like it because it is a safe place for him to learn about walking on a lead! It is so overgrown in there in the summer that Grandson No 1 had to strim clear a pathway for us.

  6. The older Winston gets,
    the more handsome he gets!
    Lessons are always useful.
    I have also fenced in the vegetable garden in the yard.
    I believe you will find time and work in your vegetable garden and everything will be fine!

    1. Thank you, Katerina. Winston is definitely growing, bigger, more handsome, and much naughtier! I must post some photographs for comparison. He is finally having a nap, so I can have some peace. If I take my eyes off him when he is awake, something else finds its way into his mouth, or his bed. I fear he is a little thief!

  7. He's a delight. Fitting in well I see.

    1. He is an absolute delight, especially when he sleeps! Luckily for me, he likes to go to bed quite early. Such a relief. Puppy and I are morning creatures, really early mornings, which is okay when the weather is fine...

  8. Griff is much better now but he cannot tolerate cats in the garden and chased one all around it the other week, I doubt that one will be back. More than I can say for another which faced my wife up till I set the hose on it. Dam thing seems to be stalking the wrens nest.

    1. I am really glad to hear that Griff is better, long may that be so. Our cats mostly go for rodents, which is great, because we have lots of them around here, large and small. I hate it when they catch the occasional bird - and the last one was a young wren, I was very cross about that. I have a special fondness for the wrens.


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I will try to answer comments in the next post.