
Tuesday 16 July 2024

A Small Dose of Village Life and Miss Read

 Last night the heavens opened and Lincolnshire got soaked.  The back garden drainage is rather poor (clay soil) so this morning when Winston dashed out, he got quite a surprise to find the whole lot was under an inch or two of water, with just a few 'dry' islands.  He wasn't quite sure what to do, until necessity spurred him on.  

I almost decided not to bother going up to the village coffee morning but in the end I pulled on my trusty Wellies and a raincoat then plodged up the road.  I will admit to enjoying myself, the water was still cascading down the road in places and I took childish delight in jumping in some of the puddles and then cleaning my boots off in the flowing water.  Luckily there was no traffic, no one to witness this silly (but most enjoyable) behaviour.

By the time I reached the village I was back to normal, sane, sensible.  Boring.

Coffee, tea, cake, raffle and plenty of chatter.  

I enjoyed a good long chat with Miss Read, she is 93 years old now and still as sharp as a tack.  Her eyesight is failing rather badly and she can no longer read or paint but she can knit straightforward things.  She knits blankets, lots of blankets.   When she has a big pile of them they are donated to care homes, charities and anywhere there is a need.

The village show will take place in less than a fortnight.  Eeek!   We may have some decent tomatoes then and the cucumbers are ripening but other than that our crops are pretty dismal this year, so I don't think we will be entering many things in Produce.

Perhaps a bit of baking, just to show willing.  So different from previous years when the show really got us fired up and entering as many classes as we could manage.   I hope it is well supported, I know from past experience just how much work goes into organising it.

Winston has lots of toys but his favourite items are a stick which he carries around with him, an old woollen sock which he loves to play tug with, and the old baby bath.  He uses this for drinking, so much nicer than his water bowl, apparently, and for washing his feet -  makes the water much more to his taste.

Enough of my babbling.  I have a young pup wanting some attention.  Time to clip on his lead and take him around Owl Wood.  Grandson No 1 has strimmed us a pathway around and through there.  Winston thinks it is the most exciting thing ever, so many scents, sounds, distractions.  He loves it. 


I love it too.  It is a short walk, perfect for a pup of his age but, because he gets sensory overload, he is totally worn out when we reach home.  Nap time for him, peace and some time to catch up on things for me.

The last few weeks have been busy.   Looking after Winston has drastically reduced the amount of time I am able to spend on my laptop, so no time for reading your blog posts, sorry.  Luckily, I have found that I can keep a reasonably close eye on him while reading a book - years of practice have gone into that!  It is how I have retained some of my sanity, although, thinking about the jumping into puddles...


  1. Sploshing through puddles is almost as much fun as scrunching through piles of autumn leaves. Catching up on the scent news is important for dogs of all ages.

    1. Hello jabblog, simple pleasures are the best. Winston has three or four outings to the woodland each day now, he is starting to know all the smelliest nooks and crannies.

  2. Glad to hear you are enjoying your young Winston. He's a cute pup

    1. Hello Linda, Now that things have settled down and he is becoming familiar with our ways, as we are with his, life is starting to get back onto an even keel. He definitely warms the cockles of my heart.

  3. Love the photo..he is just sitting there saying, Come on....please!

    1. Hello gz, the power of those eyes! He still has his old and wrinkly-looking face, eyes a little like a bloodhound, at times. He has both re-energised and exhausted us at times!

  4. What a lovely pup he is. Such an honest face. Glad he enjoys Owl Wood. Sounds perfect for pups.

    1. Hello Jennie, He is a funny little chap. I am amazed at how willing he has been to fit into our way of life, and also the way the cats have found a way to accommodate him. I still need to operate a system of 'traffic lights' in the mornings as they all get emptied and fed in a rush, but other than that they are doing brilliantly.

  5. I figure the quiet of your blog was due to Winston. He is growing.

    1. Hello Marcia, yes, far too many hours spent caring for, and training, the puppy! He learns very quickly - both good things and naughty ones.

  6. I had forgotten that a puppy is almost like having a toddler. He looks wonderful.

    1. Hello Anonymous, I wouldn't want to be without him now but it has taken a lot of energy so far - and he isn't quite four months old yet! He has a few favourite toys but he gets just as much fun out of the recycled things. Cardboard boxes amuse him for you say, just like a toddler.

  7. Winston is such a handsome chap. I agree with the puddles and autumn leaves (still a child at heart).


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.