
Tuesday 23 July 2024

A New Arrival, the Village Show, and Winston

 Young Master William came into this world just one week ago.  His journey was a traumatic one, but mother and son are both doing really well and are now back home.  Home is Shanghai, for now.  

They may be many thousands of miles away but thanks to modern technology we are able to keep in close contact and have lots of photographs of him.  He has a wonderful head of jet black hair and weighed in at over 8lbs, a very handsome young man.

When his father, my youngest child, was born things were very different.  Telephone calls were very expensive and quite difficult to arrange to Saudi Arabia, which is where my husband was working at the time.  We had one short call once a week, if available.  Jonathan was several days old before my husband knew he had been born and six weeks old before he came home and saw him.   Thank goodness things are different now.

Talking of young men, Winston is also thriving and has certainly brought a new energy to this place.  It would be true to say that my husband is as fond of him as I am, and that certainly couldn't be said of my other dogs.  I think he has finally got the puppy he didn't know he had always wanted.

I am  in slight panic mode, the village show is on Saturday.  So far all I have prepared is a fruit loaf.  Time, and Winston, permitting I will bake a loaf of bread, a Victoria Sandwich and a couple of batches of scones so they can go into the auction later to raise funds for the village hall.

As I type this Winston is fast asleep in a corner by the door, he is a restless sleeper and migrates from bed, to dog chair, to floor, all the time staying virtually asleep, then snoring deeply immediately he has found his new position.  At night he sleeps in his crate and is perfectly happy to do so, which is just as well given the restless nature of his daytime naps.


  1. Congratulations on the safe arrival of William. Communication is so much easier now. I remember the times of having to book an overseas call.!
    Our dogs migrate from bed to bed , even at night, since we always have had our dogs upstairs with us. I hear them, as I'm a light sleeper, but it doesn't bother me. My husband is usually oblivious.

    1. Thank you, jabblog. I'm glad to say that William and his mother are doing well now.
      Winston has been ill again, recurrent tummy problems, but I think we have finally got him settled, so life is becoming slightly more normal...fingers crossed.

  2. Congratulations on the new grandson.

    1. Thank you, Anonymous. He is an absolute delight, can't wait to meet him properly.

  3. Welcome to the world, new grandson X

    1. Thank you gz, he is really doing well now.

  4. Congratulations on your new grandson. Yes, technology is wonderful. When I came to New Zealand in 1965 communication was by aerodrome. If you were lucky you could get a reply in a fortnight.

    1. Thank you, Susan Heather. Goodness me, yes, I have written so many of those in my time. So fragile and flimsy, yet so welcome when the postman came bearing one!

  5. Aerodrome should obviously be the one page air letters which gets changed everything I type the word

  6. Congratulations. May your bundle of joy live long and in good health. I think I announced our 1st arrival by 3 words in a telegram. Even that took a few days back then

    1. Thank you, Linda. Ha, just as I began typing my phone pinged with a message from someone in Egypt - ping! just like that. No waiting, everything is immediate, not sure that is always a good thing.

  7. Congratulations. Is this grandchild 3 or 4 or?

    1. Hello Marcia, He is grandson no 5. I have three wonderful boys who live in London, the oldest one who lives next door, and now young William. Frankie remains the only girl, she was rather hoping for a female cousin!

  8. Congratulations. I bet you can't wait to meet him. Good luck with the baking. My family are here and I need to make bread and a chocolate apple cake.

    1. Thank you, Jenny. We are lucky enough to have lots of photographs, videos and to have video calls, but it will be wonderful to finally hold him. Not sure when that will be, he could be out of nappies by then :( x


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.