
Sunday 4 August 2024

Village Life: Village Show and Puppy Dog Trials


The Village Show took place last weekend.    I will admit that I was rather less than enthusiastic about entering compared to previous years, mainly because I have been so tired from the demands of life with the dear and wonderful Winston.  More of him later.

I had planned to enter a Victoria Sponge, nice and simple, what could go wrong?  Nothing, until I made a rubbish job of turning the second half out of the baking tin.  Disaster! It broke into so many pieces that it was impossible to stick it back together.  No time/energy to make another.

Scones, then.

Fruit scones and then a batch of triple chocolate scones, just for fun and because they are unusual.  I was so caught up in following the recipe for the chocolate scones that the fruit scones were left in the oven for far too long.  They looked good, but I thought they would probably be more like rock cakes. 

The chocolate scones looked wonderfully decadent although rather large.  No idea what they tasted like because they contained quite a lot of cocoa powder and that is something which triggers migraines in me.  I drizzled them with a top coating of chocolate and entered them anyway.  Let the judges find out at their taste test.

The sour cream bread loaf was a little better, not quite as puffed up as normal, but it still looked reasonable.

Three entries would have to do for the Baking classes.

Produce classes were out of the question, because we have had a really bad year, everything is either late or just not up to standard.  Fresh garden herbs and garden flower arrangement, then.

As you can see, I am just a cut and squish into the vase type or arranger, no finesse at all!  I don't have the patience to actually 'arrange'.

The flowers got bunged into an old pot and the herbs I simply tied with string to turn them into the requisite bunch.

The herbs, a huge variety from all around the garden, the smell was simply wonderful.


A quick trip down to the hall to fill in the entry forms, hand over my money and then I had time to  have a quick yarn with everyone and a sneaky peek at the opposition!  At 11am the hall had to be cleared ready for the judges to do their work.

Just as I was about to return to see how badly I had done, we got the opportunity to have a video call to see our lovely little grandson, William.  No contest.  William wins every time.

Later in the afternoon we had a surprise visitor bearing my vase, some award certificates and a plaque.  To say I was stunned is an understatement.  I won first and second place with the scones, first with the bread loaf, first with the summer arrangement of flowers and a first for the bunch of herbs.  The plaque was for best in show for one of the categories - either the baking or the flowers/herbs section.  I haven't checked.  

Winston has had another bout of ill health.  A very tricky tummy.  No need for details, but it has meant a huge amount of vigilance and cleaning up, despite getting up to let him outside every couple of hours through the night.

I followed all the advice, he would seem to recover, then the problem would come back.  After almost a week of this we decided that another trip to the vet was required - quite tricky to arrange given the state of his digestive tract.   

That was three days ago and, touch wood, things are calming down.  I may even risk only letting him out once tonight...still debating that one.

We still don't know what caused the problems, could be something he ate, some green stuff snatched and gobbled which irritated his tummy, perhaps, or it could just be the hotter weather, or an allergy.  For now, all is almost well and I am thankful.


  1. Well done on your successes - most impressive.
    Poor Winston. Hope there's no recurrence. We keep a tube of Protexin Pro-Kolin in the animal cupboard for such eventualities.

    1. Thanks for the information, jabblog, I have placed an order.
      Last night wasn't a total disaster, and today has been much better but I will feel much happier knowing that we have something ready to hand should there be a next time!

  2. Well done!! Especially with your young Winston needing so much attention. Those chocolate scones sound wonderful and I love the arrangements.
    Hope Winstons tum settles.

    1. Winstons tum settles down and you can rest ... A little

    2. Thanks, Linda. The awards were a complete surprise. I have thrown away all my previous awards (in a mad bout of decluttering) but I may hang on to these. There is a lesson in them! Last night wasn't great but he does seem more settled today. Fingers crossed!

  3. Congratulations!
    It's nice to have even small successes!!
    Good health to Winston!!
    Have a nice Week Elain!

    1. Thank you Katerina. The village show takes such a lot of hard work to organise (I used to help) that I feel it is important to make the effort to enter something. winning the prizes was a huge surprise! Have a good week.

  4. Oh poor darling boy x My Duke had a gippy tum a couple of weeks back.
    I can relate to how exhausting it is…. We were both up every couple of hours. He’s settled now, we used a slippery elm powder by Dorwest ( they are not far from here) also we’ve gone back to more smaller meals rather than three larger meals. I think it was a combination of a bit of a bug and slight overload on the amount going in at any one time. We also feed him last at 17.00 and 22.00 he reluctantly goes out up the track for a last ‘turnout ‘ - this all
    Seems to have gotten him back on track. Our local agricultural show is in a few weeks. My husband will enter honey, a daughter a painting , I’m not sure yet/ I always used to win with chillies and peppers but haven’t grown any this year.
    Congratulations on your new grandson ! Danette x

    1. Goodness! Slippery Elm! My maternal grandfather used to swear by that to treat all manner of things. Haven't thought about that for years, but I had a wonderful moment of nostalgia when I read your comment. Winston is still on four meals a day, I suppose it should be reduced to three, but at the moment I think his body has had to make enough adjustments without that one. Best of luck with your entries for the agricultural show. There is something really rather wonderful about this type of event and a coming together of the community even if there is a bit of competitiveness in there! I hope Duke continues in the best of health. x

  5. You know I can't believe you changed the name of your blog to that, your not OLD. Our village show is this week end and I'm entering some photos along with my wife. I've been printing them off. I was going to enter a Victoria Sponge this year but they changed the cake to a Ginger cake & I have never made one. I have a couple of Cucumbers to enter as well.

    1. Billy, you say the kindest things. Three score years and eleven is rather old. Not that I feel it, most of the time. It is all the night time puppy duties which have worn me out. With luck I will soon regain my energy, once I get him back to good health. Best of luck with the village show and all your entries! We normally have vast numbers of cucumbers and can't give them away quickly enough but this year we have had very few. :(

  6. Congratulations on your wins. The Fair here is in two weeks. Daughter is busy with items to enter as are two granddaughters. GD #3 & #4 will be visiting the week before the fair so hope to help the older of the two make a vase of flowers. She won a first prize for one last year.

    1. Hello Marcia, I hope they do wonderfully well. So much fun for all the family!

  7. To start with I wondered who the new blogger was on my blog list. I do hope Winston's stomach settles down. Well done with the Village Show.

    1. Ha! Only me, I feel ancient at the moment, due to all the disturbed nights with Winston. One step forward, two steps back. Today we seem to be winning, so cross your fingers, Susan!

  8. So exhausting with a young pup particularly if they are poorly, get well soon Winston.
    I used to love a village show, all that frantic last minute baking and gathering of garden flowers etc. I'm definitely a pick and bung it in arranger 😄 I'd love to hear a little more about the chocolate scones.......
    Alison in Wales x

    1. Hello Alison, the chocolate scone recipe is one I found in the NT Book of scones, they contain cocoa, two types of chocolate pieces and then, just to gild the lily, they are drizzled with melted chocolate. I think a really good plain scone is probably far nicer, with jam and cream!

  9. I've never tried either sour cream bread or chocolate scones and I can feel a goodle coming on. Congratulations on the wins.

    1. The sour cream bread is really just a large, fluffy white loaf, Mary. It stays fresh for several days and also makes great toast. It is made not by traditional kneading but by 'folding' in a special way. Fun to do.

  10. Ruddy well done, Sis! You bake better than all others even on auto-pilot. I remember well the Midsomer Murders terror of having to be a "judge" at the show... Give Montezuma a hug-etter from me please. :-)

    1. Aw, thanks, Bro. I wish I could send a loaf of that bread over to you, I know you would enjoy it. Rather less of the Midsomer Murder atmosphere these days :( which is a shame! They were fun times. Montezuma sends lots of licks and double tail wags to you. x

  11. Missed this - Congratulations on your wins!
    We have to take entry forms in 4 days before the show so no chance of changing what to enter, that's why my courgettes are always OK on a Tuesday but too big by the Saturday!

    1. Goodness, I would struggle with making my decisions four days in advance - talk about adding to the pressure, Sue! I hope you did brilliantly and made more than enough for that cup of tea. ;)


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.