
Tuesday, 15 January 2019

Hysteria and The Little Woman

Women have great reason to be thankful for their ignorance on some topics.   Our heads are not confused and distressed with the mists and mazes of politics; with a few painful exceptions, we are blessedly unaware that the country will be shipwrecked and the world overturned if X is elected and Y is not; we do not have to contend at elections, we know that the country has gone on and the Government endured though X was made an MP and Y was not.

The world wags in spite of it all, and we do not meddle with its revolutions.   Had I been blessed with a family of daughters I should earnestly have prayed that each one might be beautiful and womanly, and well fitted to preside over her home, leaving outside matters to others.

Home Notes
January 1894.

Dutiful wife and grandma that I am, I suppose this  means that I should do a little baking - ginger loaves full of fruit, candied peel and plenty of brandy. 

Please note:   If you get really desperate, or you don't enjoy baking,  you could always simply glug down the brandy, cut out the middle calories.

Put the cakes into the oven, clear away the mess, then get a good book and have a read as you enjoy the heady aromas of brandy and spices.     

Back to     Isobel's Home Notes:

Busy women are invariably the happiest.    It is in idle women that we find hysteria, depression, melancholy, and morbid feelings of all sorts arise.    Those who are not obliged to earn a living, and have not much work to do in the house, should take up a hobby, and occupy themselves steadily in one way or another.

Outdoor exercise for at least two hours daily should be taken.    Teaching poor children, making clothes for the poor, visits of charity, and visiting the sick are occupations in which all may feel that they are doing good.

To get up a girls' club is another good plan, and every woman should make a point of taking lessons in cookery, for the talent of cooking does much to promote happiness in life, as well as economy, should she have to set up housekeeping on her own account.

Can't imagine what may have prompted this post.


  1. Well, the bit about being ignorant is probably a good idea. I could do quite well with not hearing one more word about the B word!

    1. It's enough to drive you to drink! Brandy?

  2. I recommend Gill W this morning. The government is the servant of the people. Just do it and get on with it. Brexit there and restart government here. For crying out loud. Wait, that's hysteria.

    1. Meanwhile, life trundles on. Would you prefer tea or coffee with your cake, Joanne?

  3. Rasbery and white chocolate muffins though I doubt the ones I made wre a patch on what you would do, sill my lads like them. Glad that we don't have books written like that today

    1. Lucky lads! If you have any muffins going spare...

  4. Just been watching tonight's news. Glugging down the brandy seems like a very good idea right now.

    1. It's certainly enough to drive you to drink, Molly!

  5. And primroses from Owl Wood... what is there not to like?


    1. They were, indeed from Owl Wood - unfortunately not this year's, though. The photograph is from last year. We have lots of snowdrops, even some beautiful roses, no primroses yet.

  6. Mercy me, Woman! You just may be filling your mind, with *unfit possibilities*!!!


    1. Then I must scramble back into my blog persona at once!

  7. At my age, I do believe, I have adopted some of Isobel's ideas.... -chuckle- My days of total, 110% immersion in "The News," are past.

    But I did happen to glance at a passing headline, about May and "B".

    What I can't understand is... If the People voted for "B", meaning leave the E.U., why are different arms of the Government, able to vote No on this and that now?

    Me'thinks it's a lot like many things, over here across the Pond... That the Losers would rather the country collapses, than do anything helpful, to the Winners. Perhaps...? -smile-

    1. The sun is shining brilliantly but there is a bitterly cold wind blowing. Luckily, we have done our walk and the outdoor work; log burner is on and tea is in the pot if you would care to join us? Would you like a little dash of cream with your cake, wow?

  8. Wisps of Words said it right in her last paragraph. You should hear (or perhaps not) my language when I see so called intelligent politicians on TV doing their best to ruin the country.

    1. The big brown teapot is full of freshly made tea, Valerie -come and toast your toes by the log burner, eat cake, forget about all the shenanigans out there. ;)


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.