
Saturday 28 December 2019

Love in the China Cupboard

An old photograph of the kitchen table

I suppose I should have written this post before Christmas, still, better late than never. 

The two 1970's dressers which are in the photograph hold lots of china, so does the pantry which is through the door between them.      I often think that I should send the lot to charity, enjoy the empty space, the uncluttered shelves.

However, Christmas is the time of year when I am glad that I haven't given into that particular temptation.    Cooking a celebratory meal for the family is enjoyable-ish, but dressing the table is enormous fun, especially when I start looking in those china cupboards, for they are filled with lovely  memories of people I loved, meals we shared, the celebrations and gatherings.

I always dress the table with a vast piece of sumptuous dark red and old gold curtain fabric - a bargain find in 'Boyes',  many years ago.     I've tried a plain white cloth, but that looks too starchy and formal for my hotchpotch collection of china and bits and pieces...pieces which link my life as a child with my life as a mother and grandma, along with everything between.

Throw on some brass candlesticks, a few pieces of silver, my late mother's dark red and gold china - bought by her, sixty years ago, when we lived in Hong Kong), plus quirky, individual pieces which make me smile, special glassware, whip up a dollop of magic, then serve the delicious (naturally!!) food to the fabulous family and away we go!

How about you - do you go for immaculate presentation, everything perfectly aligned and matched, or are you a messy and sentimental person?   As ever, no right, no wrong. 

Oh, no photograph of the finished table, because I was far too busy to even think about using a camera, instead there is this photo - fairy lights right around the perimeter of the kitchen and homemade 'snowflakes' hung from the kitchen beam, there are fresh holly sprigs on many of the paintings and lots of holly and greenery on the mantelpiece at the other end of the room.   No tree, with a very waggily-tailed Toby, plus two cats who like to shimmy up trees...


  1. Definitely a M and S person. I'd have loved to seen a picture of your table Elaine - sounds wonderful.I had my family round for Boxing Day and all my miss-matched bits of posh china came out as well xx

    1. Hello Molly, it is nice to see those old and cherished bits of posh china being used as intended, isn't it? Your Boxing Day sounds lovely, though I do hope they all helped with the washing up!!xx

  2. That sounds so beautiful and atmospheric. Love your home-made snowflakes too. This year I ran myself to the wire finishing a quilt for Danny. Never again as I never got my Christmassy feeling, although we had a lovely Christmas.

    1. Those snowflakes are rarely still, if they are not wafting around because of the log burner's heat rising, they are flapping around because of the many chilly draughts in this old place!! That quilt may have worn you out, but it is brilliant, I imagine he was very happy with it. Get your feet up, BB. Take a few days off, you deserve it.

  3. No, I can't "see" empty shelves, in your kitchen. No way! De-cluttering is only for things, we do not use or love. You certainly should not get rid of your lovely items, with equally lovely memories attached.

    Love the view of the Faerie Lights and hanging snow flakes!!!!! Perfect!

    Enjoy this week, between Christmas and New Years. A gentle time... A quiet time...


    1. I enjoy this time - no cooking to speak of as there are plenty of leftovers and pickles for easy meals, plus there is plenty of time to dip into the books I was given for Christmas. Peace - for a while!
      My three youngest grandchildren will be coming in a couple of days so more celebrations and fun to come!

      I hope you are enjoying this gentle time, WoW!

  4. We have a coleport dinner service we got for out Wedding but that rarely comes out though the tea cups get used now and then. Cant say we celibrate Christmas in a big way. My sons and I go out Christmas eve for Breakfast and I pop into M&S to get a chicken as we don't like Turkey that much. Dinner we have a round 4 or 5 unless the the wifes mother comes along,(this year she went elsewhere)and we have a quiet time. The days of big celibrations are behind us

    1. Hello Billy, Your Christmas sounds very civilised, no hassle, not too much work for the chef, although I seem to recall that you can easily knock out a delicious roast dinner. Celebrations don't need to be big to be special, thank goodness! Grandchildren keep me on my toes, otherwise I would be very happy to recline on a sofa and read my books all day.

  5. Your table sounds just how I would decorate, all mixed mashed plates and such. Just me and the critters this Xmas so it was spent eating in front of the tv. I do have my grandmothers wedding China which I cherish, would be thrilled to have a kitchen big enough to display like you do. Onwards to the New Year!!
    Cheers, Sheri

    1. Your grandmother's wedding china - how wonderful! I have my grandmother's tea caddy and biscuit tin, both of which get used every day - my granddaughter is delighted at the number of 'greats' that she gets to call them! Happy New Year Sheri!

  6. We have a mish mash here too, my kind of table. I too got all sorts of random bits out of cupboards and drawers that I often wonder if I should give away and then realise that it would be a bad idea in the long run!

    1. Enjoy the mish mash and the memories, they make meal times more fun. De-cluttering is fine, but only at the right time.

  7. I don't have matching china - love collecting bits and pieces which appeal to me.

  8. Love the title. For me setting the scene I enjoy far more than the cooking. Sharing food around a table with family, friends and folk you love is by far the loveliest of things. Mismatched china is a must!


    1. I couldn't resist! I think you probably throw the very best parties, Lettice! Mismatched most things in this house, including my socks.

  9. I am one of those people who love both clean and simple and mismash - I find it hard to choose but recently have been coming down on the side of clean and simple we have white china with one or two patterned pieces. I need to declutter big time in readiness for downsizing in the future but I too love entertaining so decided if I kept nothing else my china in the cupboard which is overflowing would be the one thing that will stay and that I add to.
    Love the snowflakes.

    1. Like you, I like clean and simple, but I am a silly sentimental old thing, too. Good luck with the decluttering, it isn't easy, but sometimes necessary for us to move on. The idea was to get the grandchildren to help make the snowflakes, they soon drifted away on more important missions!!

  10. Isn't it lovely how little things raise memories. I am the custodian of my mother's much loved and disparate china collection, she had a memory for each piece.
    I would have loved to have seen your Christmas table it sounded wonderful and by taking the effort to lay it you have created a new round of memories for your family to cherish.
    In the new year I must try to find a way of displaying our china ware as it seems such a shame to keep it hidden away.
    Have fun with next round of visitors 😊.

    1. It all gave me great pleasure, even down to the careful washing of the glasses and dishes - no dishwasher for them!
      I hope you manage to display your mother's china, it all sounds rather wonderful, I also hope that you use it now and again.
      Food prep tomorrow, then the little boys will descend - no very special china for them, just the fun and colourful stuff. Can't wait to give those little boys some cuddles!


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.