
Tuesday 23 April 2024

For St George and for England


I have been in and out of the house today, waiting for the wind to swing around in the right direction to properly unfurl my St George's Cross.  It has played games, so has the camera.  

Just as the grandchildren were eating their tea, I stepped outside for one last go and managed to get this one.

Not brilliant, but it will do.  It is high above the arched gate, normally this picks up any breeze.

MSM would have you believe that far right hooligans were causing trouble, earlier.  No they were not.  The met police suddenly formed a barricade across part of the planned route, this is not a little trick they would do during one of the hate marches which take place each weekend.  It was calculated to stir up trouble, it was provocative.  It worked for a short time, they got the photographs the MSM wanted.

Back to my normal platform, a couple of old-style farming sayings.  According to weather lore experts these are tried and true:

'When on Saint George's rye will hide a crow, a good harvest may be expected.'

'At St George's the meadow turns to hay.'

Happy Saint George's Day!



  1. I've been trying to photo flags today. Greek flags. None of them would perform for me darn it. Your wait was worth it. A perfect flag photo! Kronia polla England.

    1. Who would have thought that flags could be so tricky! I ended up with 35 dud photographs, just as well they are digital and were erased at the push of a button. Thanks, Linda.

  2. I battled wind all day today, too. Not with flags, but car doors swinging shut from the force of the wind. Lovely Saint George's Day photo.

    1. Ah, those pesky winds when they work against us with a car door. You have my sympathies there, Joanne.


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