
Tuesday 23 January 2024

Ignore Me at Your Peril

Sparky wanted attention; I was caught up enjoying the end of my book so I foolishly made her wait.

She took action.  Dab, dab, dab with her little paddy paws into my (fortunately) cold cup of tea.

Her next step would almost certainly have been to slide the mug off the table and onto the hard tiled floor.

I have seen her do the same thing with my spectacles.  She is a very smart little demon and we love her.

By the way, she had access to water, she wasn't thirsty, she was just being a minx.

There is another storm howling around the place, rattling windows and doors, it is definitely a night when I will be grateful for the warmth and shelter of this old house.  

Be safe everyone.


  1. With the wind whistling in the chimney it’s a case of here we go again this evening!

    1. Thank goodness this latest one wasn't as powerful as the previous one. I hope you stayed cosy and safe.

  2. My cats always want my attention when I am watching television and climb all over me and the chair and out come little paws reaching out to me making sure they are not forgotten and I have to stroke from time to time to keep them happy.

    1. You have painted a charming picture there, I can visualise it quite easily. Do they accompany it all with deep purrs as well?

  3. Sharing your storm. When I get to the half landing, I can feel a definite draught coming through the Victorian glazed window! I know just what you mean about pussums wanting attention and when I was on the phone earlier, had to try and remove Pippi from the middle shelf of the dresser again, where she was "rearranging" the best china! Little oik! But we wouldn't be without them . . .

    1. I hope you escaped without any storm damage. I would have loved to have had some open shelving in the kitchen - so glad that I resisted the temptation...cats are a delight, but they are rather naughty.

  4. A cute minx!
    Another storm! Hope there's no more damage

    1. I am glad to say no further damage, Linda. Here's hoping for a bit of calm for a while.

  5. My cat has never jumped to a surface with the untouchables. I don't know why; those surfaces are not many inches taller than the surface she must jump to for her food.

    1. She sounds like a well mannered cat, Joanne. Sparky has her definite no-go areas but naughty Millie goes wherever she thinks she can get away with.


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I will try to answer comments in the next post.