
Thursday 11 January 2024

Girls Just Want to Have Fun

 A year ago last Christmas we thought our senior cat, Sparky, was about to die.    

All was well in semi-feral Sparky's world, until it wasn't.  She became pretty ill and we were spending far too many hours watching and wondering - should we let nature take its course, or should we add to her misery and take her the half-hour drive to see a vet.

We decided on tlc, watch and observe, hope for the best.  I fed her tiny meals of steamed fish, poached chicken breast, or raw mince.  She thrived on it, whatever ailed her passed after a couple of weeks.

Much of the time since then she has been reasonably healthy and certainly quite happy with her life.  She has had good times and some down times but reverting to her special diet always seems to pull her through.

This morning I was cutting through the garden to collect the grandchildren for the school bus when I noticed a flash of black and white up in the old treehouse.  I thought it could be a Magpie and went over to have a look.

No, it was old Sparky.  How she got up there I really don't know, unless she got up the same way she came down.

She mewed at me, no doubt hoping that I would go over and rescue her, but I just didn't have the time to go into the wood and climb up there.  After a couple of minutes she took matters into her own hands and came down the slide, gathering pace and ending in an indignant squawk at the bottom.  

She stalked off, totally unhurt, just a little annoyed.  By the time I had waved the grandchildren off on the bus she had forgiven me and allowed me to feed her a tasty morsel.

I am so glad that she can still have little adventures like this.

I'm not sure how many lives she has left but she has certainly had a good life here.  Sparky by name and sparky by nature.

Her favourite basket by the log burner.


  1. Glad to read that she pulled through and is still enjoying life. When her time comes, perhaps you could get the vet to your house, to spare her the angst of the journey to the vet's.


    1. Hello BB, She is lying on the sofa right now, staring hard at me, trying to hypnotise me into giving her some cat treats as she beguiles me with her purrs. She is the smartest cat we have ever had - and the sparkiest. When the time comes we will do the right thing.

  2. Hope she's got 9 lives, or still has most of them. She sounds like a loveable character.

    1. Hello Linda, The life force is strong in her right now and she is having a great time.

  3. I can just picture the fast descent down the slide - great fun.
    I sometimes miss having a cat but it wouldn't be possible here

    1. Hello Sue, Blogger seems to be having almost as much fun as Sparky. I just found this comment in Spam, so apologies. I have not really got back into my stride as a blogger. She came down so fast that the photograph I snatched was just a blur, no dignified (and cats do like to retain their dignity) but I reckon she quite enjoyed it.

  4. Well done Sparky. Cats know the best places (to lie and to live).

    1. Hello Susan Heather, That old girl knows every inch of Owl Wood and our gardens, she has so many hiding/hunting/happy places. She has always been boss cat and used to easily dominate the dogs - still would, if we had any.

  5. Replies
    1. Hello Joanne, She is a feisty old girl and I love her all the more for it.

  6. She’s a beauty
    Siobhan x

    1. Hello Siobhan, When we got her from the Cats Protection people, we had only heard the hissing and spitting as she refused to come out of a cardboard box. She had been born a feral kitten and did not like captivity. We didn't mind as we have a big garden and a bit of woodland. At the time we also had hens and therefore a rat problem. She proved herself a great ratcatcher, as well as a catcher other small rodents, rabbits, moles, etc. It took a while but she gradually became slightly domesticated, came inside for meals and then to sleep - first sign of a stranger visiting the house or gardens and she would run and hide. Still does!

  7. Replies
    1. Hello Winters End Rambler, Sparky is very much in the mould of a feisty female terrier we used to have. Sparky puts herself first, second and third and Pip was exactly the same, she dominated the two male lab cross dogs we had then, she knew exactly how to distract them to steal their dinners and Sparky is more than capable of simply pushing Millie out of the way so that she can nibble at her food.

  8. It wonderful, and pretty clever, that she came down the slide.

    1. Hello Anon, She is a very smart cat. I would like to know what it was that inspired her to climb up in the first case, especially as she has never really been a bird hunter.


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.