
Saturday 16 December 2023

 A Christmas Card for Jonny and MingMing

I wish that you could be here for Christmas but, as that is not possible this year, I thought you may like to see this blog reinstated so that you can share in our festivities.

This is just quick snapshot of the sideboard in the kitchen trusty old reindeer, pinecones, candles, and your lantern, MM!

Remember, I am rusty, so having to feel my way around blogger and my phone, again.   I will do my best. 

Mum xxx


  1. Welcome back. Bring on your cheery Xmas posts!!

  2. Oh what a lovely suprose to see your blog on my feed! Have a wonderful Christmas!

  3. Elaine, Lovely to see you blogging again. Looking forward to seeing more of your Christmas celebrations.

  4. Good to see you again.. seasonal greetings!!


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.