
Saturday 30 December 2023

Libraries I Have Known

 I have just finished reading The Lost Bookshop.  I was desperate to know how things were resolved, but at the same time I didn't want to get to the end.

I don't want to spoil the book for anyone who hasn't read it so I won't reveal the plot, but I will say that it covers multiple timelines with beautifully drawn characters, and features social injustice, romance and just enough 'magic' to make it very special indeed.

Books have always featured large in my life.  So have libraries.  I fell to thinking about the libraries I have joined and enjoyed throughout my life.  I can quite clearly recall eleven of them, although there could well be a couple I have missed out like the mobile libraries.

The hushed libraries of old were very different from the bright and cheerful (noisy) places of today.  There are no strict librarians shushing the noisy folk, more is the pity.  

On one recent visit to the library in Louth, there was a woman loudly counselling someone who had relationship issues.  There was no escaping her booming voice, she was not discreet.  It didn't seem to upset the chap she was talking to for he asked if he could see her again next time.

These charming old cottages are just across the road from the library (the building with the green sign) I was going to take a quick snap of the library but the rain was tipping down and I abandoned the idea.  The cottages are much more attractive anyway.

I have delighted in borrowing books from libraries large and small, British libraries, several abroad, even the tiny one at a Seafarers Centre.   I remember the pleasure and the excitement of using each and every one of them.

Irritating as it is to hear loud voices, or excited chatter, it is also reassuring when I see that some schools do take their smaller children around showing them how to use a library.  I hope that some of those little ones are starting out on a reading adventure which will give them such pleasure for life.

Linda - one of these days I must try the Greek lemon and eggs thickening method.  Knowing Jonny and Mingming, I imagine they will be very spicy - put in an order and she'll go easy on the spices for you!

Joanne - Isn't it funny the memories which are there, just waiting for something to trigger them, then whoosh! we are back in the moment.  I am happy to say the new little pump is doing sterling work, which is just as well because we have had several hours of rain again.


  1. Septic tanks and too much rain was a very good reason for me leaving Clay Cottage nearly three years ago!
    I Love libraries too and have worked in five and a mobile and the schools library service too. Loved the libraries but didn't like being bossed about by people younger than me!

  2. I have lived in five different library jurisdictions and joined all five. I was five when my father took my brother and me to the library. First we had to sit at a big round table and fill out an application for a library card. I'd known how to print my name for a long time, but it was a new exercise for my three year old brother. And then we had library cards and could read all those books!

  3. I just read that book as well, I loved it so you will not spoil if for me. I read it on my Kindle, and have just started the Last Moon Girl (thriller). We still have our village library just over the road from me but it is just that a village one nothing to do with the main county one so relies on donations which I am quite happy to help out with when I get a hard of softback I no longer want

  4. My grandmother introduced me to the library and we used to go once a week. She got out travel books, but never travelled. I read Lots of Enid Blyton and the Bobbsey Twins. There was no library here for many years but now at least we have a free book exchange.
    I remember you writing about your travelling library in a van. Do you still have that service?


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.