
Tuesday 21 May 2024

A Cup of Parsonage Soup

 No, not a recipe.  Just listing some of the ingredients which have made me so busy for the last few days..

I have made several visits to see the puppy, of course.  Added to which, I have spent far too much time looking at the extraordinarily long list of puppies' requirements.  Goodness me.  If one were to follow those lists it would be almost as expensive as preparing to welcome a first baby.  

I have managed to mow all the lawns again, and done some seriously boring housework.  No more need be said about that.

Granddaughter, Frankie, had a stall at the annual plant sale of a local church, so we went along and made some purchases from her.  No family discount, apparently business is business!

I hasten to add that we didn't ask for any discount, she has been doing these plant sales, as well as having a plant table outside the house, as a way to raise money for when she is old enough to undertake a World Challenge.  She has done remarkably well so far.  

The local church is the one Frankie attended Sunday School for many years.    She is always very comfortable at events here.  I think she enjoyed it more than ever this year because she had just come home from a school trip to France.  She has discovered that travelling is wonderful, but home is a great place to come back to.

We all got the most enormous bear-hugs and a lengthy discourse on her time away.  France was fine but she didn't like all the school work they had to do, the food was okay, but home cooked is better.  Only five people were up for trying the snails and frogs legs, one of that number was Frankie, of course.  Mussels taste much nicer was her opinion, though whether she was referring to the snails or the frogs, I don't know.  

Frankie has never been short on confidence, but she seems even more self-assured and more mature.  Appreciative of even the little things we do.  How long will it last? 😇

I also visited an exhibition which looked at the animal myths in the religions of the First Nations and pre-Columbian culture of the Americas.  Fascinating stuff, but difficult to get any good photographs.

If memory serves me, this is a clay figure, possibly 9th Century, from the Honduras.  

A llama bone carving,

 900 bce, Chavin Culture Peru.

A Navajo Tree of Life Rug, 20th Century.

I have been working on my painting, when Sparky allows me access to my work table.  She has ignored it for weeks but as soon as I began putting out my paints and setting things up for painting, she decided that it was the place to be.  Not only that, it was imperative that she streeeeeeeeeeeeetch right out, almost the full length of the table...

She won.  I went away and got on with other jobs.  She got bored and went outside.  I got to do a little painting.  Honestly, cats!


  1. Replies
    1. Sparky most definitely does, with claws of iron and rarely a velvet glove.

  2. Winston will quickly learn that cats know best and should be treated with respect. Our cats adore our dogs.

    1. Sparky commands respect but the ginger one, Millie, actually likes dogs. She used to cosy up to Toby Too, so I hope that relationship will develop over time.

  3. Please let Frankie know that her bulbs did very nicely in my bathroom and now await planting in the garden. I hope she enjoys her World Challenge whenever it is.

    1. I told her about the bulbs while she ate her tea. She was delighted and sends you her thanks. Goodness knows what the World Challenge will involve but I know she will do it wholeheartedly.

  4. I loved hearing about your Frankie. Granddaughters can be so full of energy and love of life. Good on her for not missing out on frogs legs and snails!! A lovely girl!

    1. I reckon she would be a great one for visiting Greece, Linda. All those interesting things to sample from the BBQ! She was so fizzing with excitement at being home that she performed a series of cartwheels in sheer delight, then she started talking...


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.