
Saturday 11 May 2024

Bread Oven, the Adventure Begins

 Books and online information have been consulted, discussions held, measurements taken and retaken.  Plans drawn up, calculations made. More discussions.  

Finally, the ground is being cleared and footings dug.  It will take time.

That was a few days ago.

Very old much used bricks have been cleaned and are being reused.  I particularly wanted to use old bricks, because I do not like perfection and newness.  I like things to look a bit battered, old, settled.  It makes more work, progress is slower, but I am thrilled with how it is going so far.

This is the raw state, the bricks will have to be pointed and that will have to be done carefully.  So far, so good.

Too much of my time lately has been spent in trying to find a second-hand dog to fit into our family.  Again, I don't want new, or perfect, I want to give a new life to a dog which may have had a hard time of it.

I also have to make sure that it will be able to fit around the two cats, the grandchildren, not upset my husband.  Most of all, I really need one to take out on my walks.  It has been two years since I lost my walking companion, Toby Too.  

Time is ticking, and the feeling that I need another dog just won't go away.

I have enough room in my heart and in my home for one more dog to share my walking adventures with.


  1. We could not praise Dogs’ Trust enough. The dogs were checked thoroughly by the vet, vaccinated, health insured, microchipped, neutered, and their behaviour with people, including children, and other dogs assessed, and a check made on the new homes. Our Daisy Dog is probably Jack Russell and Cairn, and has been with us for over eleven years.

    1. Thank you for the information, Nelligrace. Unfortunately, our nearest Dogs' Trust centre is too far away to be practical, otherwise that would have been perfect. I think I have found my dog, a complete surprise, and very local. More in another post.

  2. I hope you find your walking companion soon. Dogs are so special.

    1. Thank you, Jabblog. I think I have found my new canine companion!

  3. Can't wait to see the finished bread coming out of your oven. I remember reading your blog describing your walks with Toby. Hope your search for a new companion will work out.

    1. Thanks, Marcia. I am looking forward to learning how to make the most of the oven, learn a few of the old ways of baking - very trial and error!

  4. The bread oven looks so nice with those old bricks. You'll soon be firing it up. I hope you find your dog soon. A faithful companion!

    1. I hope to have my new canine companion in a couple of weeks. I have surprised myself (as well as delighted the family) with my choice, Linda.

  5. Your oven at this point looks very like a little backyard fireplace I built way back in the eighties, for backyard grilling. I hope you find Toby Tres soon.

    1. Hopefully it should be in use in a few weeks. I have found my new canine friend, not called Toby, for once! More in a future post.

  6. I hope you find your dog soon.
    It's amazing to have an outdoor oven!

    1. Thank you Katerina, I hope to be sharing the outdoor oven with my daughter, before too long. Have a good week.

  7. Exciting on both fronts...we have been dogless for three and a half years now. I have an ache...but am out working for too many hours just at the moment...maybe one day.

    1. Sorry, only just found this! When the time is right, I hope you manage to change that ache and find a new dog. The bread oven is being worked on even as I type!


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.