
Wednesday 1 May 2024

Owl Wood Today

 The weather has been warm and sunny, even the breeze has been warm.  Not too hot, just perfect for us, as we start to come out of winter hibernation.  We need time to adapt, and this is a beautiful way to do it...not sure it will last, but that is England for you.  East coast England.  We often get a cold breeze off the sea.

Owl Wood never looks prettier than on a May day when the sun is shining.  

You can just about see the owl box in the middle of the picture.  No owls again this year.😞  

Forget-me-Nots are romping away in the north-east corner, they arrived by themselves a few years ago.

The wild garlic is in full bloom, spreading quite happily.  This is in the middle of the wood, but there are two other patches over on the south side.

Queen Anne's Lace is growing taller, it will be in bloom any day now, then it becomes a sight to behold.  It grows to over five foot tall in some areas and hides a multitude of secrets.  The wild pheasants who have taken refuge in here take full advantage.  We know they are in there, we see them emerge a couple of times a day to head on down to the bird feeders in the garden.

The day started badly for me.  I haven't been sleeping well (back pain) despite trying all my usual methods to reduce the pain.  I can cope with a couple of nights like that, but today I got up feeling nauseous and with a migraine.   Once the grandchildren were safely fed and seen onto the school bus, I had a nap.

I still have a headache, but more like a 'normal' headache than a migraine now.  I can live with that, especially as the nausea has now gone.

The little walk around Owl Wood helped, along with the warmth and the atmosphere in there.  It really is a magical little place.


  1. A beautiful green place

  2. A walk in Owl Wood might cure anything.

    1. I need another dose, but I think you are right, Joanne.

  3. Owl Wood looks a perfect place for a walk.

    1. I would be very happy to let you wander around, Susan.

  4. Amazing walk in the green.
    I imagine the birds will be chirping too!
    Such a walk gives life!!

    1. The birdsong is quite wonderful, Katerina. It really adds another dimension to the pleasure.

  5. I hope you are feeling better today = enjoy your wood!

    1. A little way still to go, but better, thank you Mary.

  6. Replies
    1. Thanks, Rachel. It was another bad one, but it will get better! x

  7. Owl Wood is delightful. Pity the owls didn't return. Hope you're feeling better and get a good sleep tonight

    1. No owls, but the barn swallows have finally returned to the barn. They arrived this morning.

  8. Loved the last line in your post about the dangers of smoking had a real giggle. Now about porridge I like mine with a pinch of salt while cooking in the microwave then when cooked add a swirl ( about a teaspoon ) of runny honey and either sliced banana or blueberries though at the moment blueberries are $7.90 per 125gram so won't be buying those for a while. From Shirley in Australia

    1. Goodness, that is expensive, Shirley. I am sticking to my dash of evaporated milk, but it has been fun reading about everyone else's preferred servings.

  9. I keep missing your blogs but I did dread them and can say with the porridge it should be made with half milk and water along with a pinch of salt. I tend to put sugar and milk on mine when it is cooked but my wife like a dash of evaporated milk on it as well to make it creamy. My son just stirs honey in his with a bit of milk. I can say I did smoke once but gave it up after getting stoned on night and not being able to face lighting up with out feeling sick.
    I must admit I wish I had an owl wood like you

    1. If you lived within reach, I would be happy to share the magic of Owl Wood with you Billy. Don't worry about missing posts, I know we are all busy people, it is sometimes difficult to keep up. I struggle at times. Good to see that your wife is a woman of good taste and enjoys evaporated milk on her porridge!

  10. An enchanted place from the way you describe it. Forget Me Knots are blooming here now too. I got mine from a neighbor. I love how they seed themselves.

    1. It is a lovely piece of woodland, Marcia. Small, but magical, our grandchildren have had many adventures out there. Nice neighbourly gift, they do look wonderful in large drifts.

  11. Oh ive planted garlic in my garden and it never does well, even in my north facing back garden .
    The flowers remind me of white fireworks

    1. They are beautiful flowers, John. No problem here with wild garlic, but I can barely get lily of the valley to grow. Other people say it spreads like a weed. :( Hey ho!


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.