
Friday 17 May 2024

Rough and Ready or Carefully Planned?

 I admit that I am very much a rough and ready blogger.  I squeeze blog writing and reading into a few minutes here and there.   My real life is busy, I just don't have the time to spend hours on the internet, which is why it can sometimes take me a while to read your blog posts, answer comments and so on.

Even if I had all the time in the world I think I would probably still blog at speed.  An idea pops into my head and I dash off a post.  Grammar and punctuation suffer, because I often don't read things back until after they have been posted and then when I do get the chance to read them back I sometimes blush with embarrassment at the silly mistakes!  Ah, well.

Posts are written on my laptop, which is handy because my photographs can be accessed from there, although if I have taken them with my phone I have to email them to myself and go from there.  I won't allow my devices to talk to one another.  It makes things a little more complicated but that is the way I choose to do it.

Think it, or see it, dash off a post and publish it.  Walk away and get on with other things.  Slap dash, but if I were to try another method it wouldn't be me, it would be me trying too hard to be someone I am not.

Which leads me on to wondering about what kind of blogger you are.  Do you plan carefully, write and rewrite, plan your posts?

I would love to know.  As far as I am concerned, whatever method you use is the right one for you.  I am not here to judge.  I am just curious, although some may call me a nosey parker!


  1. In a previous life I never would have had time for blogging but now it's my second biggest hobby after reading and keeps me company!
    I've usually got lots of ideas in drafts.

    1. You sound very organised, Sue. I have tried keeping a few ideas ready for a blank day, trouble is that by the time I think I may use one, I end up wondering why I thought it was interesting in the first place and I get stuck.
      Thank goodness for books! Which reminds me, I have found a couple more of those archaeology ones, do you think your son would like to have them?

  2. Just sit down and do it!

    1. That's the one that works for me, gz. All very random and spontaneous.

  3. Totally in your camp, rough and ready, it doesn’t need to be perfect, the charm is the sense you are reading someone’s thoughts as they flow. Thank you for your blog, delighted when you returned

    1. Your kind words are greatly appreciated, Anonymous. Thank you.

  4. I just pick up the lap top or phone and type. What happens next I have no idea until the words appear. Could be anything.

    1. The great thing is that you do what works for you. Each post an adventure.

  5. Good question: I think of things to blog about but often don't bother to carry through because I decide it's too personal or maybe not of interest to anyone. I have a friend who sends me humor material which I often post weekly but not all the time. I like to share travel photos but I don't like to go into lots of details. I wonder how some bloggers write every day. I can't seem to manage that unless I create several blog posts at one time and schedule them to appear consecutively. I often wonder whether anyone is really interested in what I post and whether I should continue.

    1. One of the things I enjoy about keeping the blog going is that the posts often remind me of incidents and happy memories which I had forgotten about. It is great when other people are interested, but really and truly it should be done to please you, the creator of your blog. During my high speed reading sessions I visit your blog but i am guilty of visiting without commenting, my apologies.

  6. I'm a careful checker. I don't post very often these days and posts buzz around in my head for several days before I even start to write them.

    1. I wonder whether that has something to do with your years of writing sermons, your words really mattered. You write as Brown Owl, whereas I am still the naughty Imp from my Brownie days.

  7. I am a lot like you. Life is busy and when I think of something or we do something in particular I do a quick post. I also email photos from my phone to my laptop.

    1. That method works for us, Susan! I am not a fan of mobile phones, can't stand the way people seem glued to them, but I really appreciate those little cameras.

  8. Haphazard best describes my approach to blog posts. Some posts are to do with current events in my life, others are randomly triggered. I do know I'm too verbose, or whatever the written equivalent is, but in real life, I'm a listener and a watcher, not a chatterer.

    1. I would categorise your blog as interesting and varied, jabblog. I like that.

  9. Ilove your new header. Grandson and dog. Fab photo.
    Now for the blog. I write both ways. If its a post about something that I just have to get down and away I make loads of mistakes, spelling and writing and usually spend the hour after publishing going back half a dozen times to rearrange and correct spelling and to update.
    Usually I put a load of photos on my draft post and then start writing. Sometimes I post, sometimes I don't and find something a year later and post it then. What I do write I like to sit on overnight and correct the next day. It's written better and often the spelling is actually correct.
    I have over 100 posts in the draft box. Plenty of things to put on my blog but what I don't have is uninterrupted time to think and type. Writing a blog is not considered a priority by some.

    1. Grandson and the original Toby, about 12 years ago. They were the best of friends.
      I am surprised you ever get time to write posts, Linda. You lead such a wonderfully busy and sociable life. Your stories of family and island life, along with the photographs, often brighten a very dull day in Lincolnshire. I reckon uninterrupted time will be in short supply here once the puppy comes to live with us.

  10. I'm just like you. Dedicate a few minutes a day to it, write only on a laptop because of my lack of confidence in English and have to check how terrible my errors are. If I comment on blogs I can only do it from my laptop, from my iPhone I'm anonymous and I don't like it. Because of the abundance of trolls I have, I had to learn how to delete their comments through the iPhone as well and I'm proud of myself that I was able to find it. I started the blog because I wanted to improve my English, I don't attach much importance to the blog and every additional follower stresses me out because I think something is expected of me. I hope I live up to the expectationsI have been reading your blog for several years and I really like it.

    1. Hello Yael. Isn't it a wonderful feeling when we manage to navigate our own way through technology and achieve a result! I am only sorry about the circumstances under which you had to learn it - ie trolls. The world of blog should be a good place to escape to, we all have our stories and life experiences and it is the differences which make them so interesting. i don't think I have told you before, my daughter spent 6 months in Israel, on a kibbutz, when she was much younger, as did three of her uncles and two of her cousins. I hope you have a happy and peaceful weekend.

    2. We live here in such a small country, it's possible that I even met your daughter if she was in a kibbutz, you can tell me through my email if it's too personal, I'd love to know. I hope she had a good experience here.

    3. She had a wonderful experience, Yael. We were worried because she went out by herself, not with a group of friends. We need not have worried! She isn't available right now, but I will get the details from her, probably tomorrow. She has only positive things to say about that time and the people she met.

    4. Yael, I have sent you an email with details of the kibbutz where my daughter worked, she was delighted to talk about it. I sent the message to your gmail address, my address is - it is the email I set up in conjunction with this particular blog, hence the silly name. If it didn't arrive, let me know and I will resend it.

  11. I usually have tons of ideas for posts.
    But I decide quickly and write a post like you.
    It's only on my special education blog that I'm late,
    editing the article, looking for research and bibliography!
    I really liked the post today we are interested!

    1. Hello Katerina, I am constantly delighted by the wonderfully rich and varied posts which people write. It is such a pleasure to be able to whizz around to so many places in this wonderful world and look through the eyes of someone we only know in the world of blog. Have a good weekend.

  12. Scatty...truly scatty! So much in my head when I'm supposed to be doing other things...then if I have time to sit and compose a post...poof...most of it has evaporated!

    1. You are far from scatty, WER, you are a very busy woman. I think my 'spare' time will soon be taken up with looking after Winston and brokering peace with grumpy cats.


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.