
Sunday 12 May 2024

Coming Soon to Parsonage Cottage


This is Winston, he is just six weeks old and is still with his mum at the moment.

All my previous dogs have been second hand, rejects from dog rescue centres, usually the special offer of the day.  One or two had had extremely rough lives.  They all required lots of love and patience and ultimately they grew to be the most wonderful companions, they learned to live with cats, chickens and my grandchildren.

I wanted to do the same this time round, but it has proven to be very difficult, for various reasons.

Long story short, this little fellow is the smallest, the runt, from a litter of 10 puppies born just a couple of fields away from here.  Long time readers will know where I mean, when I say that he was born at Old John the beekeeper's place.  


  1. Winston looks very sweet. He may be the runt now, but you might be surprised as he grows.

    1. He had a bit of a rough time at birth, jabblog. He gets a lot of bullying from his siblings but is doing well, despite that.

  2. How lovely. I hope little Winston gives you many years of unconditional love and pleasure. xx

    1. Hello Pattypan, Thank you. It is funny how things turn out, a puppy was the last thing I wanted...and yet the stars aligned and led me to him.

  3. So sweet. Lovely to hear you've found your pup.

    1. I have spent so many hours searching for possible dogs, Linda. Then suddenly things clicked, and Winston came to my attention!

  4. I am glad you have found a puppy who perhaps needs you and you need him.

    1. Thanks, Rachel. I definitely need him, and I know that I can make a good life for him while still letting my old cats enjoy their lives. No doubt they will quickly teach him that they rule the roost, then all will be fine.

  5. Those are big paws.An indication of ultimate size??Barbaraxx

    1. They do look enormous, don't they, Barbara! I think that it may be the camera playing tricks but Labradors do grow quite large, so I am prepared.xx

    2. And be prepared for the SeeFood diet 😄

    3. The down side of a Lab, always a challenge. Feeding the cats will also have to be rearranged, elevated, probably!

  6. Replies
    1. Cute as a button, with a very serious face when he is awake!

  7. It will be interesting to read what Sparky and Winston make of each other!

    1. Sparky has lived with my dogs (Toby, Pip and Toby Too) for all but the last couple of years. She won't have forgotten her dog-taming skills. A hiss and good bop on the nose works wonders. She spends most of her time eating and sleeping, or sunbathing in the garden, in her spare time she fights with Millie...and wins, so don't worry.

  8. I am sure he will become your best friend!

    1. I have high hopes, Katerina. He is a very charming little puppy - they all are!

  9. You picked well. Looking forward to reading more about Winston. How did he come by his name?

    1. This one got lodged in spam for some reason, Marcia.

  10. He is adorable. I look forward to hearing all about him in the future. We miss Doug's Labrador/Retriever. The cat that has moved in with us left home (2 doors down) because they got a dog so no dog here.

    1. That's cats! They know a good home when they see it. My two Toby's both had quite a lot of Labrador in their mix, they were great companions, I hope little Winston will grow into that role, Susan.

  11. He is a cute one. You chose well. How did he come to get the name Winston?
    [Thought I wrote this earlier, but don't see it.]

    1. I found your earlier comment stuck in the spam box, blogger likes to play games. I will be going to spend some time with little Winston this morning. Despite his difficult entry to the world, being undersized, bullied by his siblings, little Winston is doing well. He has fought has way through to survive, he deserves a strong name (plus he has a lovely little frown a bit like Winston Churchill's).

    2. Blogger does that to some of my regular commenters too. Must check now that there aren't any resting there. And I thought it may be a nod to Churchill.

  12. What an absolute poppet x I had to say good bye to my darling black Labrador Bertie in February, he’s left a gaping hole but we are all now getting ready to welcome Duke in a couple of weeks and I can’t wait. Our fox red Labrador has also missed him so much, quite what our cats will think I don’t know lol. One of ours is a feisty ancient legend and will no doubt roll his eyes. At 17 this year Malory is the oldest of all our pets so he rules! Looking forward to seeing your bond with this darling boy grow, it really is a precious thing to be loved by a dog x Danette

    1. Hello Danette, Sorry to hear about your dear Bertie. Your household sounds well populated with the most charmingly named characters! Plenty of love and fun waiting for new boy Duke, once he learns that cats rule, especially the ancient ones!
      I am working on slightly adjusting my routine with our cats at the moment, just getting them used to a more elevated feeding station, and so on. Also trying to get my husband used to leaving his slippers and shoes is places less accessible to a teething puppy! Life is certainly about to become more interesting, and a lot more fun. x

  13. Replies
    1. He is a lovely little pup, I am really looking forward to bringing him home, pj.


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.