
Friday, 22 January 2016

Moonlight in Owl Wood

I walked around Owl Wood in the company of Dobson and Miss Pinkerton
moon-shadows followed us around.

The fish pond shimmered silver 
 the midnight blue sky was dotted with myriad stars.

To say it was beautiful just doesn't come near.

*   *   *

This morning was cold and frosty which was no surprise
considering how clear the night sky had been.

Oh how I wish I could find the macro lens..

Miss Pinkerton followed my progress around the gardens,
wondering what I found so interesting.

Enough of playing with the camera,
it's time to walk Dobson - my darling, scaredy-boy. 

Over the last few moths I have gradually been stretching his boundaries, 
managing to persuade him just a few yards further down the lane
or to explore the boundary of an unfamiliar (to him) field
is quite a victory.

All that hard and patient work now means that our walk options have improved tremendously
even though they are nothing compared with the walks I used to take with my old dog.

Across the frosty field you can see some of the cottages down in the village.
By this time, Dobson was getting a bit anxious
but I managed to get him to walk further than before
until we reached a gateway which
overlooks this pretty garden.

It belongs to friends of ours - in the summer it is very beautiful
and makes a great venue for a summer party.

Dobson came across to peer through the wrought-iron gates
but his relief was visible
when I saw "Right, let's go home!"

Once home, I got a large pot of soup on to simmer
and finished making a couple of loaves of bread.

No prizes for guessing what we had for lunch!


  1. glorious! I'm home now and apart from the bitter cold in the house i'm so happy!

    1. Hi Dom, Enjoy your weekend! Stoke up the log fires and relax.

  2. I love the pink/orange mornings. Your photos are lovely and I can almost smell the bread baking - gorgeous.

    1. Hello Molly, I'm no great shakes at cooking or baking, but I do so love the smell of fresh bread! I hope the next lot of rain bypasses you.x


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I will try to answer comments in the next post.