
Wednesday, 11 July 2018

Simple Pleasures - Two Brown Hares

I came across this post, written two years ago and not posted, for some reason.    At the time I was still writing as Felicity and everything, including our animals had been given alternative names - ie Toby, the dog, had been disguised as 'Dobson', even the cats had different names and I had renamed our village as 'Little Bunting'.   'Cowslip Cottage' is a lovely old cottage in a village just a couple of miles away, it belongs to my son and his wife.   It was a wreck when they bought it, we helped out with the renovation work.    I tell you all this, lest you become confused about what the heck I am on about.

Written almost exactly two years ago.

After weeks of heavy, low, cloud Lincolnshire is again bathed in sunshine and warmth.  Some days have been unpleasantly humid but today seems just right for me, but then I am simply lounging around and relaxing.  It is wonderful, but it does feel a little odd after putting in so many months of hard work down at Cowslip Cottage.

My morning walks with Dobson  are slightly more leisurely, though just as early, as I can't seem to break the habit of waking around five am, in order to be ready to go down to the cottage and work.

Luckily, I love early mornings.  The lanes are quiet and the fields are peaceful.

As I waited for Dobson to finish sniffing at the cobbled base of the village signpost I was surprised to see a beautiful muntjac deer slip out of the hedgerow and cross the lane.  She was just a few yards away, silent and beautiful.  She paused, looked me in the eye, then melted away into the hedge on the other side of the lane.

Dobson was oblivious, his attention was completely taken by some amazing smell, thank goodness.

We left the lane and walked through fields of golden barley, meandered across the old railway line and down the other side into more burnished fields.    The sun was pleasantly warm, birds were singing, the sky was blue and it was a time of perfect contentment and happiness.

Back to the present:    The cats got me up at 4.30am, I took an early walk with Toby and was thrilled to see two very large and handsome hares leisurely running along the lane in front of me.   They ran straight along the middle of the lane for a good 100 yards, perhaps more, before turning off into a field.   Beautiful creatures. 

Lazy post, I know.    Still feeling a bit zapped after all the efforts on Monday.   I am becoming such a wimp.


  1. I could have told you this cleaning caper is no good for a girl, notwithstanding the saintly goosing. And back again today... for a second helping? Naturally under the pretext of admiring your handy work... a likely story.

    So much better the right names; maybe to you, like me it seems wrong? I gave our builder a different name and for the life of me I can’t remember what? Too lazy to plough back and look obviously! I would be such a ham fisted fibber... say it like it is has always been my motto, got me into all sorts of trouble, mind!


    1. The trouble was that I found I quite enjoyed it, which probably says something rather worrying about my character!

      No, I swear that my visit today was short and sweet - I just wanted to admire our handiwork - it looked beautiful, she says modestly!!!

      I hope your husband is managing to peel the grapes to your satisfaction.x

  2. Hi, I happened to see your blog on Briony's sidebar. And since I love all things English...You live in such a beautiful place!

    1. Hello Ginny, Welcome! If you enjoy reading about the small everyday things which happen in an English village - well, this is the place for you! I hope you find plenty to amuse and entertain you.

  3. If your son lives several villages away, who lives next door? I was thinking that was one of your children.
    You still have the map link as named Little Bunting but then of course you don't want to give your location exactly.

    1. Hi Marcia, Yes, I think it should remain as Little Bunting, I know most people are perfectly fine but, just in case.
      My older son lives in London, the younger one lives at Cowslip Cottage, and my daughter lives right next door, so you were almost right!

  4. Oh I would love to see hares.... -sigh-

    I think in this "old" post, you were just being coy. :-) About the whereabouts of their cottage. Because now, the "Grands" are just across the garden.

    I adore "Little Bunting." Please don't ever change it. It is perrrrfect! :-)

    1. There is, of course, a Little Bunting bird, but I chose the name for quite another reason, Luna. At the time I began the blog I was busy making miles and endless miles of bunting, indeed I even began dreaming about bunting. ))&%*£! Bunting didn't sound like a nice place to live, nor did Much Bunting, or Flaming Bunting, so I went for the other side, to Little Bunting...and quite liked it.

      The hares were wonderful, I turned the corner and there they were, just a few yards from me. It was one of those magical moments.

  5. I'd like to live in a place called 'Cowslip Cottage' sounds lovely.

    1. Thanks, Briony.

      I hope all goes well today, the sooner you get rid of that pesky tooth, the better and, of course, I hope sweet Princess is well and truly beginning to mend now.

  6. 2 years old or not...nice! And those flowers are gorgeous!

    1. Scented honeysuckle and roses, a lovely combination. It makes using that small gate a real pleasure.

  7. You write in such a way that I feel as if I am next to you, watching the scene unfold. Hares are beautiful animals - so much more so than our common rabbits.

    1. I saw rabbits too but, after seeing the hares, they seemed insignificant - and that is terrible of me...ah, but those hares! Big, strong, handsome and very healthy-looking.


Lovely to hear from you.
I will try to answer comments in the next post.